Title: MLS July Stats | Sadyna Reino, The Desert Duo, Century 21 1st American
The Tucson market still remains strong. Sales volume, average list price, and median sales price have all increased from June, 2019. See all the July, 2019 stats below!
• Total Sales Volume of $428,196,066 is up from $427,698,923 in June, a 0.12% increase and up 23.36% from July 2018.
• The Average Sales Price of $278,230 is a decrease of 1.77% from $283,244 last month.
• Average List Price of $283,565 is a slight increase of 0.34% from $284,524 in June.
• Total Under Contract of 1,868 decreased 2.71% since June’s number of 1,920.
• Total Unit Sales of 1,539 is an increase of 1.92% since last month’s number of 1,510 and increased 12.58% since July 2018.
• The Median Sales Price of $233,000 is an increase of 0.43% since June’s number of $232,000 and an increase of 8.37% from July 2018.
• New Listings of 1,714 decreased 9.74% from 1,899 in June.
• Total Active Listings of 2,525 is a decrease of 5.75% from June and a decrease of 14.90% from last year.
• Average Days on Market decreased to 36 this month from 38 last month.
• Conventional loan sales of 51.9% exceeded Cash Sales of 20.5%.
Brought to you by the Multiple Listing Service
If you or someone you know is ready to buy or sell their home in the greater Tucson area contact us at Sadyna.Realtor@gmail.com
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